Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Final Week

This was our final week to work on our board game and we have made many changes in a shot amount of time.  We found that many problems arose as the due date came near, and this made all of us very anxious and worried.  However, with the time we took to meet outside of class we were able to brainstorm various solutions.
A major problem we ran into, which had much to do with the fairness of points amongst all of the players was solved by changing the colors of the pathways from building to building.  The pathways were a mix of three different colors, and by matching up these paths there are advantages like bonus points.
This was a major change to the board, but it was definitely possible.
After making our final changes in mechanics, it was time to add the lights.
Christian made the trips to various places to make this possible and ended up using tin foil and tap lights.  The tap lights were definitely a quick and effective way to add light to the game.

The game came out just as we had visioned it to, if not even better.  We are very proud with our hard work and hope our audiences have a great time playing Circuit Break!

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